lunes, noviembre 21, 2005


Tyra Banks y Naomi Campbell se vieron las caras en el programa que presenta Tyra .La modelo americana acuso a Naomi de ser la culpable de que ella abandone las pasarelas. Tyra dijo"la prensa nos declaro rivales incluso antes de que nos conocieramos"
Tyra no quiso que hubiera publico en el plato porque no se sentia capaz de enfrentarse a este conflicto en frente de otras personas. Ella criticó que había una recla no escrita en la que solo podia haber 10 supermodelos y solo una de ellas podía ser negra y esa era Naomi. Tyra reprocho aNaomi que estaba cansada de tener que luchar contra ella y estar bajo su sombra. Que estaba arta de perder trabajos y de que los fotografos llamaran para que no la contrataran. La modelo añadio"la razón por la que quiero hacer este programa es porque para mi el compañerismo entre mujeres es muy importante."Siento que las mujers tienen celos de otras mujeres y creo que eso tiene que parar"

The 14-year feud between Tyra Banks, 31, and Naomi Campbell, 35, is headed for a face-off on Friday's nationally syndicated The Tyra Banks Show, its producers have announced. "The press had cast Naomi and (me) as rivals before we ever met each other," Banks says in a statement, which goes on to say that there will be no in-studio audience for the match-off, because, according to Banks: "I couldn't have done this in front of people." On the show, reports New York's Daily News, Banks says she abandoned modeling in order to escape Campbell's shadow, and blames the media and the modeling business itself for pitting the two of them against one another. "Back then there were 10 top models ... but there was an unwritten rule that only one of them could be black," Banks said, as quoted by the News. "And Naomi was that one black girl." As Banks reportedly tells Campbell to her face on the show: "I was tired of having to deal with you. ... I was tired of constantly hearing that I got canceled from this job or that, or hearing that this photographer was called, or that magazine was called and (told) not to use me." Banks also states during the course of her discussion: "One of the reasons I wanted to do this show is because sisterhood is so important to me. I feel like women hate on each other – we're jealous – and it has to stop."

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